She loves when Jon and I toss her back and forth to each other. She thinks its so funny. One night, Jon and I were seeing if we could jump up and touch our heads to the ceiling (we live in a basement apartment so our ceilings are low). It was my turn to try, so I handed Londyn to Jon. As soon as I jumped up and tried with all my might, she started dying laughing. Seriously, she was giggling up a storm. I was slightly offended. I just got laughed at by a 9 month old. In her defense, I probably did look half retarded.
9 month stats:
Weight: 20 lbs (84%)
Height: 28.5 in (84%)
Head: can't remember (91%)
Happy 9 months to the prettiest girl I have ever laid eyes on! I love you so much Londy Pundy!!